Primary Practices (Pre K – 5th Grade)

Guided Discovery

A teaching strategy for introducing classroom materials that allow students to explore potential uses and learn how to care for them.

Guided Discovery Benefits Learning

Every aspect of Guided Discovery encourages students to offer ideas, act on them, and share the results of their work with others.

A Guided Discovery can take as little as fifteen or twenty minutes. However, the interest and excitement generated and the skills practiced by students support academic learning throughout the day.

Goals of Guided Discovery

  • Excite students about classroom materials
  • Help students build a repertoire of ways to use materials in academic learning
  • Equip students to make independent and purposeful choices
  • Establish and teach norms and routines for the use, care, and storage of materials


The Responsive Classroom Bookstore offers a curated selection of books and materials designed to enhance your teaching journey.


Guided Discovery Resources

This planner offers structure and guiding questions for developing a Guided Discovery.

Popular Articles

From practical tips to in-depth analyses, our articles provide a wealth of knowledge to empower educators in creating positive and engaging learning environments.

Guided Discovery in Action – Enhance learning with effective classroom tools! Discover how to engage your students with a dynamic approach to exploring educational resources. This article showcases practical examples and strategies for making every lesson interactive and impactful. 

Favorite Guided Discoveries – Dive into creative classroom strategies with our collection of favorite Guided Discoveries! Learn how teachers like you have successfully engaged students through innovative introductions of classroom materials, leading to unexpected and enriching learning experiences.

Go Slow to Go Fast – Discover the power of patience in classroom management! Learn how taking the time to introduce classroom tools and routines meticulously at the start of the year sets the stage for a more independent and efficient classroom.

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