Secondary Practices (6 – 8th Grade)

Brain Breaks

Brain breaks are quick, whole-class activities that allow students to pause, move, and interact safely and in structured ways.

Increase Focus and Motivation

Brain breaks help students refocus and recharge.

Brain breaks help students develop the social-emotional skills they need to master rigorous academics in the intensely social context of middle school. Brain breaks support adolescent development by combining safe movement with purposeful social interactions.

Brain breaks help students:

  • Improve cognitive skills
  • Develop perseverance
  • Strengthen social-emotional growth

Brain Break Ideas

Spelling Stroll:

  1. Everyone stands up at their desks.
  2. Call out a vocabulary word. 
  3. Together, a group spells out the word, taking one step in any direction for each letter. 
  4. At the last letter, everyone tries to sit down in the nearest chair. 
  5. The person left standing calls out the next word on the list, and the stroll begins again. 


  1. Students stand, facing a partner.
  2. Decide who will lead first and who will follow.
  3. The leader begins by making slow and steady motions without speaking, while the follower mirrors the leader’s movement.
  4. After 15–30 seconds, students switch roles. 
  5. Repeat as time allows.

Which Direction?

  1. Students stand at their desks. 
  2. The leader starts by calling out simple directions, such as:
    “Turn your body to face the classroom door.”
  3. Students quickly turn to face the corresponding direction. 
  4. Then the leader makes directions more challenging:
    “Face the direction where the sun rises.”


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Discover the power of Brain Breaks to rejuvenate student focus and energy in the classroom. This resource outlines effective strategies to implement brief, interactive activities that enhance learning and engagement.

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