The Bridge Forward

Transition to Middle School and High School

Students’ transition from primary to secondary education marks a monumental shift in their lives, one that coincides with important social, physical, and cognitive development. Yet surprisingly few resources exist to support students (or their teachers or families) through this transition. As a result, far too many students fail to thrive in their new learning environments. In fact, according to contemporary research, around two in five students fail to reach their expected progress following the transition to secondary education (Evans et al. 2018). That’s where The Bridge Forward comes in.

The Bridge Forward is a series of resources designed specifically to support students transitioning from elementary school to middle school and from middle school to high school. These resources are comprehensive: they offer proactive support for every significant contributor to a student’s transition including school leaders, teachers, and parents.

In The Bridge Forward, you will find easy-to-use lesson plans, guides, and conversation starters to support activities, lessons, Advisory meetings, peer mentorship opportunities, open houses, visit days, orientation structures, and more. These resources are available as school packages or individual books.

Elementary School Kit

Elementary School Package

The transition from elementary school to middle school may be the most substantial change in a student’s educational journey. The elementary school package has the resources elementary school educators need to support their students on learning and practicing essential middle school skills.

Middle School Kit2-4

Middle School Package

The middle school community supports students entering middle school for the first time and those who will soon be entering high school. The middle school package includes strategies, advice, and lesson plans that teachers, school leaders, and parents can use to help incoming and outgoing students prepare for the next chapter in thier academic journeys.

High School Package

The transition to high school comes at a time when students are most vulnerable to unique social, emotional, and academic challenges. The high school package is designed to support incoming students in developing the skills that will help them successfully navigate the increased autonomy and responsibility of high school.

Evans, Danielle, Giulia A. Borriello, and Andy P. Field. “A Review of the Academic and Psychological Impact of the Transition to Secondary Education.” Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (2018): article 1482.

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